Binary Opposites, Black and White, Yin and Yang

Today we struck up a conversation with the excellent Mr Eclipse. I am sure I do not need to tell anyone what a man with such a name is renowned for. His website is one of the best amateur sites out there devoted to astronomy, and even more specifically eclipse chasing. One of the modules on the six week course we are doing in schools is devoted to the Earth - Moon system and therefore it goes without saying that eclipses are a large part of that presentation.

I have to confess that I love Erica's methodology. I happened to mention this guy (real name Fred Espenak) in passing whilst I was showing her an Annular Solar Eclipse and she instantly said

You like him? Let's talk to him!

This is what Erica does so well, essentially everything I don't! I assemble data and prepare and produce seminars and clubs based upon what guys like Espenak do. It never occurs to me to talk to these people. To be quite honest, if I did I would be so bombastic and aggressive that I would likely scare or offend them anyway. I am good with high impact, shock and awe. Not so much with chat and show. When we founded Beauty in the Universe we were kindly assisted by an academic at UCLAN who put us in touch with the right person at UCLAN, with whom we now share a fruitful relationship. This particular academic was kind enough to attend our introductory meeting with UCLAN astrophysics and afterward he quietly intimated to me that hooking up with Erica was likely to be the shrewdest move I will ever make. I have no hesitation in agreeing wholeheartedly with his comments. Her talents for fundraising, speaking business lingo and, quite literally, collecting people, know no bounds. Whatever I have brought to Beauty in terms of vision, energy, passion and knowledge she has more than matched with business prowess, financial acumen, people skills (something I am entirely devoid of) and compassion. Her Yin is every bit the equal to my Yang.

As a result my pipe dream of using the substantial talents and materials brought to bear upon astronomy by Mr Eclipse for educational purposes is now a distinct possibility, and that is all because of Erica's mastery of the art of talking to people. That is why she is Director of Implementation. A dream that never takes form is a tragedy. Erica turns intentions in to events, talk in to action, potential energy in to kinetic accomplishments.

For as much as the students we see learn from me in the sessions we deliver I learn just as much about how to do this thing called business. Naturally, in true Adam style I cannot say it in person, I am too busy being me, but the formidable presence a strong woman in business cannot and should not ever be underestimated. Of such relationships, careers, even lives are made of.



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