This week Beauty In The Universe began sessions in another school, Cherryfold Primary in Burnley. This is a lively school and a smart bunch of students. These sessions are double ones so we will deliver the whole of the six week course in three weeks. This is challenging in some ways but satisfying in others. The main obstacle that 90 minutes of science challenges the attention span of even the most hardened academic, however, this was overcome with our innovative delivery and methods and, quite simply, by scheduling a break strategically to allow the students to blow off steam.
It seems to me that the schools in Burnley are oases of talent and ability. To be able to tap in to that and encourage academic endeavour is always going to be a privilege. Naturally, we do not expect every student we come across to pursue a physics degree, but that is not and never has been our intention. Of course we want to increase interest in the space sciences, but a wider goal is to prove to students that knowledge and scholarship is the coolest thing in the universe. Our part in the regeneration and growth of Burnley is growing and despite the government cutbacks we will shortly see, we hope we can continue to build.
Cuts are monetary, recession is temporary, but knowledge is a legacy.
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